There a way to change the “Responsive Menus Font Size” in the themes ?

– There is the easiest way to change the font size. – Go to Customization >> General Setting >> Header >> Menu Setting.– There will be three tabs are given General , Style & Responsive Menus .– Click on Responsive Menu tab, there is the option “Menu Font Size”.– By using that option you can […]

Awesome Slider : Make your slider more attractive

Ut ullamcorper, arcu non bibendum venenatis, lorem libero fringilla dolor, sit amet rutrum augue mi vitae lectus. Cras ac felis urna. Nunc eu odio vitae erat porttitor ornare vel ac leo. Duis id ex venenatis, mollis ipsum et, pellentesque neque. Cras mauris nulla, gravida ut tellus a, viverra egestas sapien.  Quisque eget libero dui. Cras […]

Fonts Options : Formatting the google fonts as your need

Quisque sit amet sem augue. Integer metus ligula, semper sed varius id, fringilla quis mauris. Nulla non tempus erat. Morbi at ullamcorper est. Praesent vitae purus accumsan, bibendum libero quis, vulputate orci. Set the font size of text (with CSS): <p style=”font-size:30px”>This is a paragraph.</p><p style=”font-size:11px”>This is another paragraph.</p> Result : This is a paragraph. This is […]